ev charger installation energy efficient Warehouse

Verde Energy Efficiency ExpertsIncreased Profitability for Your Business

building control energy efficiency
Nov 23 2023

The Impact of Poor Building Energy Controls on Your Bottom Line

The Impact of Poor Building Controls on Your Bottom Line In today's business world, where every dollar counts, it is more important than ever to be mindful of expenses. One often-overlooked area where businesses can…

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school energy efficiency
Nov 23 2023

Improving Energy Efficiency in Illinois Schools

A Comprehensive Guide Schools across Illinois are facing mounting pressure to reduce their energy consumption and environmental impact. With rising energy costs and increasing concerns about climate change, schools are seeking ways to become more…

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energy business consultant
Nov 22 2023

Who Can Benefit from an ASHRAE Audit?

Unlocking Savings and Sustainability with ASHRAE Audits: A Comprehensive Guide to Beneficiaries In a world increasingly concerned with energy efficiency, environmental sustainability, and occupant well-being, ASHRAE audits have emerged as a powerful tool for achieving…

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outdoor led exterior lights
Nov 22 2023

Does Installing an EV Charger Make Sense for Your Hotel?

Gearing Up for the EV Revolution: A Comprehensive Guide to EV Charging Stations for Illinois Hotels The hospitality industry is constantly evolving, adapting to the ever-changing needs and preferences of its guests. As the world…

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retro-commissioning vs BAS upgrade
Nov 06 2023

Replacing a BAS vs. Retro-commissioning a BAS

Which is right for your facility? Facility managers are constantly faced with decisions regarding the upkeep and improvement of their buildings. Two common options for enhancing building performance are retrocommissioning (RCx) and building automation system…

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building control energy efficiency
Nov 06 2023

A Comprehensive Guide to Energy Efficiency in Hotels

Enhancing Hospitality with Sustainability The hospitality industry, with its vast network of hotels and resorts, plays a significant role in shaping global energy consumption patterns. As environmental concerns and resource scarcity become increasingly prominent, hotels…

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passive income ev car charging stations
Nov 06 2023

The Potential of Passive Income from EV Car Charging Stations

A Comprehensive Analysis for Illinois Businesses and Public Buildings The transition to electric vehicles (EVs) is rapidly gaining momentum, driven by environmental concerns, technological advancements, and government incentives. As EV adoption continues to rise, so…

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energy efficiency for libraries
Nov 06 2023

The Rise of EV Chargers in Public Libraries

A Sustainable and Equitable Approach to Transportation The transition to electric vehicles (EVs) is gaining momentum worldwide, driven by environmental concerns and advancements in battery technology. As EV adoption grows, so does the need for…

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EV Charging installations
Oct 30 2023

Beneficial Electrification in Illinois

What is Beneficial Electrification? Beneficial Electrification is a new and important concept being promoted in Illinois. This new term seems somewhat self-explanatory, you can benefit something by electrifying it. It is essentially the process of switching from fossil fuels to…

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Forklift in a warehouse for commercial energy efficiency
Sep 19 2023

Energy Efficiency in Buildings Calculations

Energy efficiency in buildings is the ability to reduce energy consumption while maintaining the same level of comfort and functionality. It can be achieved through a variety of measures, such as improving insulation, air sealing,…

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energy business consultant
Sep 15 2023

Why Use a Business Energy Consultant?

While fortune 500 companies can access top tier consultants, they often have huge budgets to pay for energy efficiency consulting firms like Deloitte, Bain, Boston Consulting Group, and McKinsey and Company.  However, most companies are…

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energy efficiency consulting firm chicago
Sep 12 2023

Top Energy Efficiency Consulting Firms in the United States

In our Chicago-based energy efficiency company, we love to read publications from national thought leaders around energy efficiency.  Here is a list of the top consulting firms that focus on energy efficiency.  Please also consider…

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Verde Energy Efficiency Expert 5328 N Northwest Highway
Chicago, IL 60630

T (773) 413-9587